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This will lead to companies of all sizes offering customized solutions to build stronger relationships with customers. As it becomes increasingly feasible to automate technical aspects of work – coding, research, or data management, for example – the ability to leverage soft skills for tasks that still require a human touch becomes critical. For this reason, in 2024, we will see organizations increasing their investment in developing and nurturing skills and attributes such as emotional intelligence, communication, interpersonal problem solving, high-level strategy, and thought leadership. As has been the case for the past few years, there’s some overlap between these and my other predictions, which focus primarily on technology. Simply put, this is because business trends today are largely driven by technology. However, as we develop a better understanding of a technology – artificial intelligence being the obvious example – we also understand what it isn’t.

Business News

Wyze Labs said that a security lapse occurred last week that exposed about 13,000 users’ camera footage to other users after a glitch occurred while its system recovered from an outage. An increasing number of Indian women are pursuing higher education overseas, particularly in STEM courses. They benefit from scholarships and funding opportunities, driven by societal shifts towards gender equality. Avanse Financial Services and loan agencies support this trend by offering incentives to attract female students.